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The A.L.F. Strikes Again: Collected Writings Of The Animal Liberation Front In North America BOOK


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The largest-ever collection of writings from the Animal Liberation Front

At over 700 pages, this is the definitive look inside the Animal Liberation Front (A.L.F.).

The  A.L.F. Strikes Again is the largest-ever collection of writing from members of the Animal Liberation Front (the “radical fringe of the animal rights movement”), tying together over 40 years of documents and writings with one goal: A complete collection of everything written by the A.L.F. in North America.

The Animal Liberation Front (A.L.F.) intervenes where mainstream animal rights groups have failed. The A.L.F. breaks into buildings, rescues animals, and destroys property of animal abusers. They work outside the law, and, unless caught, their identities are never known.

With few blindspots, this book compiles nearly everything written by the North American A.L.F. – Settling the score on what the A.L.F. is, what they believe, and exactly how they do what they do.

Forty years into the A.L.F.’s history in North America, despite over 1,000 actions, being the subject of multiple congressional hearings, and surviving the label of “America’s number one domestic terrorist threat”—their history has been largely untold.

Academics, journalists, internal opposition and external opposition—many have taken small shots at the full story. Among it all, the A.L.F.’s voice in its own history is the one pushed furthest to the back. In being the saviors of the voiceless, one also becomes the voiceless.

In this collection, the A.L.F.’s voice is restored.

Regarded by many as heroes today, yet regarded by nearly all as heroes tomorrow—this book will play a role in history vindicating the Animal Liberation Front.

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Weight 1 kg


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