New Pre-Orders are now online!
BBMA149 – debut album by Bulgarian Edge Metal outfit TRUExFEELING. Don’t get fooled by the name, this is as brutal as it gets – a mix of Hardcore, Death Metal and Beatdown all in the name of the Straight Edge. FFO: Congress, Reprisal, Deformity, etc. Available on CD, Tape & 12″ LP. Exclusive Shirt Design as well. Official Release-Date is March 29th.
BBMA151 – compilation CD for the crushing Vegan Metalcore act Divine Sentence from Switzerland. Having made a name for themselves with an incredible EP in late ’22, they’re finally back with a 2-song Promo which leaves you hungry for more! This version – for the first time – combines both releases and puts them out there on a compact disc. FFO: Undying, Tears of Gaia, xELEGYx, etc.
BBMA144 – the third of four interrelated EPs by the prolific, militant vegan straight edge metalcore project Forward To Eden. Featuring 2 covers from lesser known representatives of the early 90s Hardline scene – Silent Vote, which was written by HEALING (a polish band with members that later went on to form Pain Runs Deep) and Moloch by the infamous Ecorage (Germany). The third track, Final Declaration, is an FTE original and continues the new Manifest – further explanation in the booklet. Now available on ltd lathe-cut 8″ vinyl.